Tuesday, November 26, 2019

NaNoWriMo 2019 How to FINALLY Write Your 30-Day Novel

NaNoWriMo 2019 How to FINALLY Write Your 30-Day Novel 30 Days, 41 Tips: How to Win NaNoWriMo 2018 Another November, another chance to break a lifetime of bad habits and write that novel you always knew was inside you. For those out of the loop,  National Novel Writing Month  (or NaNoWriMo) is an annual competition where writers must write a 50,000-word novel in 30 days (hence, the name).It sounds intense, but  thousands of writers take part in each year. Not only like, but many of the drafts writing during NaNoWriMo over the years have turned into bestsellers - like Hugh Howey's Wool and  Sara Gruen's Water for Elephants.Whether you're a  NaNo  virgin or a  WriMo  veteran, you can always do with a helping hand and some top advice. To help you with this year's competition here are 41 Top NaNoWriMo tips from authors and editors:Are you a NaNoWriMo veteran? If you have any advice for writers about to take part in the competition, please share it in the comments below.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How Teachers Should Report Suspected Abuse of Children

How Teachers Should Report Suspected Abuse of Children Teachers are state-mandated reporters  meaning that if they observe signs of suspected child abuse or neglect, they are legally required to take action and report your suspicions to the proper authorities, usually Child Protective Services. Although situations like these are challenging for all parties involved, its important to have your students best interests in mind and to act in accordance with your districts and states requirements. Heres how you should proceed. 1. Do Your Research You need to take action at the first sign of trouble. If this is your first time reporting suspected abuse or you are working in a new school district, arm yourself with information. You must follow the requirements specific to your school and state. All 50 of the United States require your compliance. So go online and find your states site for Child Protective Services, or similar. Read about how to file your report and make a plan of action. 2. Dont Second-Guess Yourself Unless you witness abuse firsthand, you can never be 100% certain about what occurs in a childs home. But dont let that sliver of doubt cloud your judgment to the point where you ignore your legal responsibility. Even if you simply suspect a problem, you must report it. You can clarify in your report that you suspect abuse, but are not certain. Know that your report will be treated with care so that the family will not know who filed it. The government experts will know how best to proceed, and you must trust their ability to weed through the suspicions and find out the truth. 3. Keep a Watchful Eye on Your Student   If you suspect that one of your students is in a vulnerable situation, make sure to pay special attention to his or her behavior, needs, and schoolwork. Notice any major changes in his or her habits. Of course, you wouldnt want to go overboard by coddling the child or making excuses for poor behavior. However, it is important to remain vigilant and report any further suspicions to authorities again, as many times as is necessary in order to protect the childs well being. 4. Follow the Progress Familiarize yourself with the long-term procedures that Child Protective Services will follow with the family in question. Introduce yourself to the caseworker, and ask for updates on what conclusions are reached and which actions are taken to help the family. The government agents will work with the family to provide supportive services, such as counseling, in order to guide them along the path to being better caretakers. The last resort is to remove the child from his or her home. 5. Remain Committed to Protecting Children Dealing with child abuse, suspected or confirmed, is one of the most serious and stressful parts of being a classroom teacher. No matter how unpleasant the experience may be for you, dont let the process deter you from reporting each and every case of suspected abuse that you observe during your time in this profession. Not only is it your legal obligation, but you can rest easily at night knowing that you took the tough actions required to protect the students under your care. Tips Document all of your concerns, with dates and times, in order to support your claims.Gather tips and support from veteran colleagues.Procure the support of your principal and ask him or her for advice if needed.Remain confident that you are doing the right thing, no matter how hard it may be.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Land Law (case study) Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Land Law ( ) - Case Study Example Whether a restrictive covenant could bind future owners of property is a matter in which judicial discretion has to be applied, based on the circumstances of the case and its legal surroundings. However, in the leading case of Tulk v Moxhay (1832) (1848) CB 430 (HL), the facts read as follows. The owners of land in Leicester Square had covenanted with local landlords not to allow development in the park zone. However, when the park was sold off, the new purchaser, albeit aware of the restrictive covenant, wished to build on it. The Court held that it would be inequitable for him to do so. . The aspect of "restrictive covenant "that was seen in the case of Tulk v. Moxhay 1848 and is said that the burden of a covenant which was restrictive in nature could run with the land', despite privity of contract. (Tulk v Moxhay (1848). 2006). Overriding interests: Under the laws of registered conveyancing, when a person purchases a legal interest in land, he would normally be bound by any third party interests in that land, save and except, when it is registered, or deemed to constitute 'overriding interests.' It has been seen that 'overriding interests' are a significant danger zone for any purchaser of registered title, since, although it does not appear in the register, it is able to influence the title of the purchaser, whether he was aware of it or not. Currently, there are four types of overriding interests and they are with regard to: Local land charges Easement and profits Short term legal leases Property rights of a person in actual occupation. Moreover, under Sch. 3 Para 3, the scope for only legal easements and legal profits are available. Therefore, interalia, easement or profits endured for life of party do not constitute 'overriding interests' and therefore do not fall within the scope of being bound by such interests.(Overriding Interests and Minor Interests: Overriding interests, p.121-122). Thus, by application of the above legal interpretation regarding interests that has been deemed to have been vested by Algernon to Chris through a 'tenant for life' deal for storing fishing gear in Algernon's land for life is not tenable in a Court of Law since it does not satisfy the criteria of 'overriding interests.' Frank may not be bound by the interest of Beatrice. Case 3: In 2000 he granted his niece, Denise, in consideration of 5, an option to purchase number 12 for 275,000, on the giving of one month's notice, within 10 years. Laws surrounding options: An option to purchase land, or chattel is documented through a covenant which facilitates the purchase of the property by the buyer to the seller within a specified time and for a specific amount. Therefore, it could be considered to be an interest in land and needs to be protected by an entry in the Register.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Strategic management - Essay Example Apart from these airlines, British Airways also supports varied other airlines as well such as Cambian Airways and Northeast Airways. Along with scheduled services, British Airways is also affianced in the functions of both international and domestic carrier of freight, ancillary services and mails. It is the largest airline of the UK, which includes a fleet size of 234. British Airways is also a constituent of the ‘FTSE 100 Index’ (British Airways, n.d.). British Airways is the ‘flag carrier’ airline of the United Kingdom and so it is also referred as a national carrier. It is a premium airline of the UK which flies to more than 300 destinations all over the globe comprising total number of customer base of 32 million in the year 2009-2010. Hence, it earned total revenue of ?8 billion in the year 2009-2010, which reveals that it is quite successful as compared to other apparent airways of the UK. Therefore, it is the market leader in this sector in the UK ( British Airways. 2010). Apart from this, via its varied types of functions and alliance partners such as Qantas of Australia, TAT European Airways of France and US Airways of the United states, British Airways encompasses to serve its customers outstanding services at every point. Thus, the underlining fact is to satisfy the customers and to enhance their loyalty and dependency over British Airways, which is extremely essential to retain its position in the market of the UK as well as the world in long run. Moreover, it also attempts to augment its operational performance and the quality of practices in order to fulfil customer needs and desires (British Airways, n. d.). This report mainly highlights the varied aspects and importance of British Airways in a brief way. Moreover, a detailed analysis explaining the success story of British Airways is also described with the help of various strategic tools such as PESTLE analysis, Porter’s five forces model and value chain analys is. Moreover, the business strategy of British Airways is also evaluated in an explicit way with the help of Porter’s generic strategies. Certain recommendations are also provided to the managers for further growth and development. Analysis of British Airways British Airways is a reputed airline of the UK and is operated under the parent organisation named International Airline Group (IAG). It is functioning with a common objective of offering an excellent experience of flying to the customers by serving eminent services. This facilitates British Airways to enhance its brand image and identity among other airline players in the market of the UK (British Airways. 2010). In the subsequent segment, the organisation i.e. British Airways is critically analysed in order to evaluate the underlining factors of its success. This can be possible by evaluating both the external and internal factors of British Airways with the help of PESTLE analysis. PESTLE Analysis PESTLE analysis is a vital marketing tool, which is utilised to judge the market conditions. It also helps to detect how various factors such as political, economic, technological, social and environmental factors prove

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Transformation of Rome from Republic to Empire Essay Example for Free

Transformation of Rome from Republic to Empire Essay Like so many agricultural cultures, Rome began as a city-state about 600 B.C. It was founded by descendants of Indo-European invaders from central Europe who merged with earlier Italian peoples. The Roman language and many basic social patterns were inherited from the local farmers who had populated the region long before the city was founded. But the city itself borrowed from an earlier Italian civilization, the Etruscan, slightly to the north, and to a lesser extent from Greek colonies in the south. This gave form to early Roman religion and also to political structure. Rome began as a kingdom under Etruscan rule. But about 509 B.C. the Roman aristocracy overthrew the king, and Rome became an aristocratic republic not unlike the Greek city-states. Intense local civic pride was part of this pattern, as in Greece, including a willingness to sacrifice self in the interest of the state. Heroic military action by a few individuals, such as the fabled Horatio holding the bridge over the Tiber river against an Etruscan army, gained Rome increasing independence. Roman family structure was the basis of this kind of culture. It emphasized obedience to the father, although the mother was honored as well. Even though the aristocrats competed for power, they could unite when loyalty to the state was at stake, because they had been trained to subordinate themselves to the common good, just as children were taught to yield to family interest. Religion was another binding force, as was the consideration with which aristocrats treated the common people of the city. In the early days of the republic there was much social tension, but uprisings gave the citizens of the lower class, whatever their wealth,   their own representatives, called tribunes, to oversee their interests in the government. The first law code, the famous Twelve Tables, was introduced about 450 B.C.; this restrained the upper class from arbitrary action. By the third century B.C., citizens of the lower class, called plebeians, could be elected to public office and pass laws. The Roman city-state was not like the Greek. The Roman people met in assemblies, but the assemblies were called and run by officers. There was no choosing of leaders by lot; two consuls were elected by the people each year to serve as executive and military leaders, and almost always these were aristocrats or wealthy plebeians. The consuls scrutinized each others activities so that neither could seize power; behind the scenes the aristocracy could usually run the show. Aristocratic power was formalized in the Roman senate which was composed of anyone who had held public office and who then served as senator for life. This group had only advisory powers, but, composed of experienced and prestigious men, its influence was considerable and it lent stability to the   state. The picture of the Roman state around 250 B.C. proved so attractive to many western political theorists long after the republic was gone that it was copied, at least partially, by a host of western political governments. What was particularly appealing about the Roman arrangement was its balance. Underwritten by definite laws which protected the rights of the citizens, the Roman government checked unlimited democracy without yielding to total upper-class rule; and it prevented executive dictatorship. The division between a popular assembly and an upper-class senate was to be imitated many times. Although legislative authority was predominant, there were separate judges and a separate executive; here was a hint of division of powers and it seemed to work well. Based on political stability, Rome prospered and began a pattern of conquest which none of the Greek city-states had been capable of. Internally, the population increased, which is always a creative factor if properly channeled. Conquest offered the means of distributing the surplus population and of providing wealth for the masses, which helped keep them quiet. Also, Rome was well situated, being in the center of Italy, for once the Etruscans had been beaten and their culture collapsed, there were few powerful rivals surrounding Rome. Finally, the Romans were lenient rulers. Nevertheless, over time the republic itself became unviable. The aristocratic Senate no longer provided consistent wisdom and the populace vied for favors from the rich, particularly the victorious generals. Rome had implicitly chosen between a balanced republic and an empire, in favor of the latter, and this made a military regime inevitable. By 31 B.C. Augustus had defeated his rivals. The Republic was dead, and the Roman Empire, a political structure governing Rome and all the colonies, was now to be created. The empire turned out to be Romes major contribution to the western arsenal of political precedents. Not surprisingly, given the major Roman interests, formal culture remained limited until the last century of the republic, when Greek models were copied and Greek artists and writers, some of them slaves, worked directly for Roman patrons. The Romans did not blindly copy; their painting, for example, differed from what we know of the Greek, showing more realistic portrayals of nature and the human form. Hence, Roman statuary, often busts of the great men of the day, reflects attention to individual facial traits more than the stylized approach of the Greeks. However, the central cultural contribution was to spread a Greco-Roman art and literature to the vast empire and particularly to Western Europe, where such products had never before been known.Textbook writing, increasingly important as Roman creativity waned in the later empire, helped preserve the rudiments of learning not only for the Romans themselves but for later ages. Bibliography Heitland, W. E. A Short History of the Roman Republic. Cambridge University Press, 1911.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Computers Modulator Demodulators (Modems) are used to change the analogue :: Computer Science

Computers Modulator Demodulators (Modems) are used to change the analogue to digital and the other way around Analogue to Digital Conversion Matt Davey Analogue to Digital Conversion is the way of converting a continous analogue signal to a series of digital binary numbers. This is done in many pieces of hardware by taking samples of the analogue signal and then each sample is digitised into a binary code by a microchip. This process is known as Quantization a process where a continuous signal is converted to a series of points at discrete levels. This process is specific to the music industry. In Computers Modulator Demodulators (Modems) are used to change the analogue to digital and the other way around. The modem uploads data to the Internet by converting it to an analogue signal and broadcasting it through the phone line, then when downloading it converts the analogue signal to binary 1’s and 0’s. The analogue wave is created by vibrations in the sound the waveform today is usually recorded into digital format by an Analogue Digital Converter (ADC). The Waveform is turned into a stream of numbers and the ADC records the numbers and feeds them through the speakers. In the computer world a modem is commonly used to connect to the largest Wide area network the internet. The modem uses ASCII Code to translate the waveform to the computer and then back to waveform to translate it and broadcast it over the phone line again. This was thought to be irreverent when ISDN came in because ISDN was a digital network but this didn’t take off because of the price and the work involved in setting one up but speeds of an ISDN reached 128kbps this was fast for the time. All ADCs work by sampling their input at intervals of time.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Global Wine War Analysis Essay

1. Due to French history and tradition it was possible to gain a strong image in regard to vinery and example, which can be highlighted might be the invention of Champaign. The experience of France as a quality wine producer going back to the middle ages can be regarded as a source of competitive advantage. Another source is the strong wine culture in France creating a positive image for customers. The wine industry by itself is a very important economic factor in France, in the mid 18th century the wine industry accounted for 17% of the overall industry. As a consequence, in 1855 the government classified wine yard into five different levels of quality. This helped the consumers to identify the best possible wines and was unique at the time, which created sustained competitive advantage. Simultaneously, the introduction of mass production of bottles and use of cork stoppers facilitated the former difficult distribution of French wine to foreign markets. The â€Å"phylloxera† insect destroyed almost all French wine yards in the late 19th century, giving the first opportunity for New World ( US, Chile and Australia) wines to rise. Due to the complex protection system of French wines, quality was an issue in the production of wine as for example irrigation systems under the â€Å"AOC†-label are prohibited while in the New World there were no limits toward innovations. What changes in the global industry structure and competitive dynamics led France and other traditional producers to lose market share to challengers from Australia, united States, and other New World countries in the late twentieth century? 2. There were important developments in the global wine industry that lead to shifts in market share of old world producers to new world producers. First, demand changed severely starting in the late 19th century. Consumption in traditional wine consuming nations like France and Italy decreased significantly. This was mainly due to changing drinking preferences brought about by health concerns of substitute products. At the same time, although numerically not compensating for the decline mentioned before, wine demand rose in importing countries, a lot of them located in Asia. Second, drinking wine moved away from its mere traditional touch and became subject to quickly changing fashions and trends. This put France at disadvantage: They were unable to adequately adapt to these fashions because the French vineyards were too small to grow different kinds of grapes that could have met the currently preferred wine and growing high-quality grapes took several years. On the other hand, the US producers’ vineyards, for instance, were many times bigger on average allowing them to spread risk by growing different grapes. Third, the new world producers took away market share by actively engaging in innovations in the areas of production technology and marketing. For instance, Australian producers substituted the traditional glass bottles with containers reducing production costs and facilitating export. These innovations were possible because the new world countries were not subject to strict national regulations that wanted to preserve the traditional wine business in the old world countries. Fourth, the newly rising competitors often controlled the entire value chain from production to distribution. This left them with a bigger margin then their traditional competitors and made them less dependent of specific distribution channels. 3. a. Advice to the head of the French wine industry †¢Develop a brand â€Å"Produit en France†: Customers do not know what they want when they enter a wine store. Sharpen the image of the certification system, reduce its complexity, and communicate this to the customers so that they recognize the classification label as a strong brand b. Advice to the owner of the a Bordeaux vineyard †¢Get to know your customers and discuss founding a consortium to better adapt to changing fashions: Engage in thorough market research to predict consumers’ preferences and try to influence their preferences with targeted advertising. Discuss founding a consortium of different wine producers to produce different wines that will be high in demand soon in the future. c. Advice to the French Minister of Agriculture †¢Help your producers sell their vine: provide more funds for marketing campaigns and fund workshops on how they can identify their target group and do targeted, cost-efficient marketing ? 4. a. Australian Minister of Agriculture: The labeling of wine according to regions in Australia has been already done but not with protection by law. Tighten laws in relevance of how to label wines can be beneficial in the long run when it comes to value creation, as can be successfully recognized in France. Simultaneously, a financially subsidy should support wine yards with their surplus production hence the successful long-term strategy â€Å"Directions to 2025†, which foresees value growth by 2015 and global leadership on the wine market by 2025 might be eased. This is necessary since Australia will cannot compete on price in the long-term bringing to mind low cost production countries such as Chile. b. Australian wine industry association. Align marketing activities with the plan of â€Å"Direction to 2025†. Support the Australian’s wine image from cheap and cheerful into a classified and recognizable labeling scheme. It might be added that the new scheme can be restructured in a way that it does not mix up psychographic targeting with regional ones, since this might be confusing. The implementation of a regional scheme might pay off better, as it is currently done in other New World wine markets. Moreover the surplus production can be used in order to producing premium strong drinks hence value is added to products, as it is done in Italy with the â€Å"Grappa† or France with â€Å"Cognac†. c. Mid-size, well regarded vineyard Target customers more directly through own website and social media activities. Moreover a convenient retail should be found, both domestically and globally in order to assure a thriving placement of the vineyard’s products reflecting the premium brand image. In the long run brand value should be sustained and if possible enhanced in order to assure that his products do reflect supreme quality and is not associated with the â€Å"cheap and cheerful† Australian wine image. This can be achieved through the transition towards organic wine grow.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

In What way is the “war like moor” flawed? Essay

Trace the stages of his demise and the affect it has on characters and events in the drama. Othello is a play which conforms to the generic features of a tragedy, The entire drama is about Othello’s downfall, which is orchestrated by Iago. The fall of Othello throws the play into chaos and brings down the people around him. Othello is a man with a powerful position within the army, the high position is one of the features of a tragedy. The protagonist needs to have a position to lose. The flaw that is magnified to bring him down is jealousy, this is seized on by Iago who makes Othello’s fate unavoidable. Othello is blind to this inevitable demise that causes him to murder his wife and his close friend Cassio to die. Every tragic hero performs an act of hubris, Othello’s act is to kill Desdemona. Othello believes he has the right to kill her because she has gone against convention to make him a cuckold, as a man he believes he has power to. The peripertia is an important time in the play, Othello has been having good fortune up until he murders Desdemona. This is when Othello has his anagnorisis, he realises that she was innocent and he killed her unjustly. Following this discovery Othello’s fall from greatness begins, he is no longer respected and he loses his position in the army. The death of Othello restores the natural order of the play. Othello is introduced to the audience by other characters within the play. Iago undermines the audience’s view of Othello as a hero, he focuses on Othello’s race and sexuality to present Othello as negative. Iago uses lots of sexual imagery, talking about an â€Å"old black ram† and a â€Å"white ewe†. He sets up imagery of Othello being a violent man with an innocent girl. This also brings in symbols, the black represents the devil and evil whereas Desdemona is shown to be innocent and pure. Othello’s male sexuality is shown as negative and beast like. Iago is preoccupied with Othello’s sexuality, he is jealous of his strength, masculinity and heroism. Brabantio accuses Othello of practising â€Å"foul charms† on Desdemona, he cannot understand how his pure daughter would fall in love with the â€Å"lascivious moor†. Brabantio sees it as being against â€Å"all rules of nature†. He believes that because Othello is a black man in a white society that he cannot have a high class white lady. Throughout the play there is contrasting viewpoints. Othello is respected by the Duke and others within the army, they believe him to be a â€Å"valiant moor† but Iago sees Othello as â€Å"defective†. This shows how Othello really is, respected and how Iago is the only person to see Othello as evil. Iago is blinded by his desire for revenge. There are further contrasts within the play with Desdemona being pure and Bianca being a â€Å"strumpet†. This enhances Desdemona’s image of being pure and faithful. She remains two dimensional in the play, a woman of unquestioning virtue. Othello is flawed in many ways, he is jealous and of honour but it is pride that leads to his ultimate undoing. The jealousy is his most evident flaw. He is portrayed to be a â€Å"green eyed monster†. This has as emotional and physical effect, he is green with envy and it eats away at his mind but also it affects his body. He suffers from epilepsy due to the stress he receives as a result of his jealousy. When Othello finds himself to be a â€Å"cuckold† his pride is wounded and he needs to regain it somehow. In an attempt at regaining it he commits an act of hubris, namely murdering his wife, the â€Å"fair lady†. As her husband he sees himself to be better than her and to therefore have power over her. It is implied within the play that Othello’s belief of himself as higher Desdemona morally is impossible. This is achieved through pathos as the audience emphasises with Desdemona. In depicting Desdemona as â€Å"divine† the audience sees her as a perfect wife, therefore when her husband wrongly kills her, the audience feels sorry for her and condemnatory to Othello. The audience recognises Othello has been manipulated however their sympathies do not lie with him as a victim in the same way they perceive Desdemona. It is very easy for Iago to manipulate Othello, this is mainly due to his reputation as an â€Å"honest† man and Othello’s naivety. Othello is also worried because he is a black, â€Å"unbookish† man in a white upper-class society. He does not truly believe that Desdemona can love him because of this and doubts her true love for him but really she is loyal to her â€Å"master†. Othello could not stand back and qualify why she loved him, he is driven by his own love. He believes he loved â€Å"not wisely but too well†. As Iago is seen to be a man of â€Å"exceeding honesty† Othello has no reason to query the seeds of doubt Iago sows. Iago does not say that Desdemona is having an affair with Cassio, he just makes remarks and informs Othello of things that make him doubt it. Iago tells Othello of Cassio sneaking away so â€Å"guilt-like†. This is so it cannot come back to him with Othello saying Iago told him. Also Iago acts resistant to reveal information about Cassio, pretending to defend him but really casting more doubt on him. Iago says he would rather have his â€Å"tongue cut† from his mouth than to expose Cassio but really he is happy to do it but wants the situation to seem worse. Iago believes he is justified in what he is doing to Othello but there is no real evidence to this being true. He has two main reasons for his attempts at bringing down Othello, he believes he deserved the job which Cassio was given and he thinks that Othello slept with his wife. Iago’s belief that Othello slept with his wife comes from a rumour he heard but it is not supported with proof. Iago knows that is probably is not true but he uses it as an excuse anyway, he admits it is only â€Å"thought† that Othello has slept with his wife. Othello’s skin colour contributes to Iago’s reasons to bring down Othello, he sees him as undeserving of the rank because of his race and he does not believe it matters if a black man is brought down. Iago wanted Cassio’s job because it would mean that he would have power and Iago craves power. He is frustrated at being constantly overlooked within the army and having no authority. Iago is respected for his honesty but this is ironic be cause he is the complete opposite. He says, â€Å"I am not what I am†, admitting he is putting an act on to everyone so he can gain trust to lead Othello to his downfall. A lot of Iago’s plans are for â€Å"sport†, he enjoys to see people suffer, he wants to see people suffer because he feels rejected. Iago is not seen as a best friend but as someone trustworthy, this upsets him, leading to his need for revenge. Iago sees himself to be the master of himself, â€Å"I follow but myself†, he is completely in control of his actions and his surroundings, even at the end of the play when his plot has failed he is in control by refusing to reveal his plot. Lodovico represents Venetian society and is a relative of Desdemona so his views are key to the play. Lodovico plays the part of the chorus, he is detached from the main event and has a critical perspective on Othello’s actions. Lodovico arrives late in the play and therefore does not see everything that has happened, he meets Othello for the first time and does not see the â€Å"valiant moor† he expected but a â€Å"cruel moor†. He arrives in the court to see Othello slapping his wife and does not believe that this can be the same man that the senate call â€Å"all-in-all sufficient†. Lodovico believes he is â€Å"deceived† by Othello and the stories he has heard of him. Othello’s downfall has now become public. Lodovico’s appearance in the play also reminds the audience of what Desdemona gave up to be with Othello, this makes the audience believe that Othello is even more demonic for attacking and murdering Desdemona. Othello’s demise brings chaos to the army, with him dead and Cassio being dismissed only Iago is left. If Iago had not been found out then he would be in charge of the army which would be a disaster. He would lead with a corrupt power and he would be tyrannical. The Venetian society would fall if Iago were in charge due to his self-obsession. Desdemona’s suffering starts with the handkerchief, at this point Othello believes his suspicions of her are confirmed. The highpoint of her suffering comes when it becomes public. When he slaps her in public there is a realisation by everyone that Othello is changing. The slap brings high embarrassment to Desdemona. The unjustified suffering which Desdemona is receiving has an emotional and physical affect on her, she is so upset and bewildered by what Othello is accusing her of, she questions everything he says, confused and bewildered. Desdemona cannot bring herself to say what Othello accused her of because she finds it so disgusting. The physical effects of her suffering are the slap that she receives and her death. Othello is insecure about his race and this leads to his belief that he never truly deserved her. As Othello never honestly believed that he deserved Desdemona Iago easily took him in. He is deceived by Iago’s lies and tricks because he never believed that Desdemona loved him and he does not believe what she says because of it. If he were not so insecure he would listen to her and realise that she was honest all along. Othello asks for â€Å"proof† of her affair but what he really wants is proof of her love. He gave her the handkerchief as a token of his love and he has not received anything in return. Othello is blind to many things, not just his own weaknesses but Desdemona’s undying love for him. Othello has no understanding of his own weaknesses and how they can be manipulated. He is also blind to the true virtue of Desdemona, he sees her as perfect at the start, with not one flaw but by the end he calls her a â€Å"strumpet†. Othello cannot see Desdemona as anything other than perfect or evil, there is no middle ground in his mind. In his mind she is either a â€Å"fair lady† or a â€Å"strumpet†, he believes she is an icon for good with no possibility for weakness. Othello is more accepting of the negative points, this is due to his life of â€Å"slavery† and situations of â€Å"imminent deadly breach†. He can relate to negative problems but he does not have any experience of a good life. Othello’s poor judgement leads to him wrongly dismissing his best friend and believing a deceitful Iago. Othello believes all that Iago says but ignores what the other characters say. He poorly judges the situation. Emilia is the most grief stricken character following Desdemona’s death, she feels that she is partly to blame for Desdemona’s death. She feels this because it was her that stole the hanky and gave it away, if she had not then Desdemona may not have died. Emilia is very loyal to Desdemona, she pledges her loyalty to Desdemona. After the murder she tells Othello that Desdemona is â€Å"heavenly true† and would not cheat on him. Her true feelings begin to emerge, she calls Othello a â€Å"devil†, she no longer fears him because by committing murder he has lost all power. She believes Othello is as â€Å"ignorant as dirt† to fall for Iago’s plans. Iago tells Emilia to â€Å"charm† her tongue, he does not want her to talk because she can reveal him for what he is. She ignores his orders and chooses to stay loyal to her mistress, saying she is â€Å"bound to speak†. The loyalty she has for Desdemona is greater than that for her husband, she takes this so far as to be killed. Iago shows no remorse for what he has done, he remains resolute and chooses â€Å"never to speak a word†, by doing this he remains in control and stops the situation becoming worse. Lodovico condemns Iago on his actions, he and Gratiano vow to make Iago talk through â€Å"torments† and torture if that is what is necessary. They feel Iago has committed a crime against Venetian society bringing down its General and causing chaos within the army. Justice is reinstated when Othello kills himself, the audience is made to feel that as he took a life it is right that his should be taken. The characters condemn Othello as the fool that he is and that he is revealed to be a slave of his passions. Othello dies seeing himself to be the enemy, killing not himself but what he has become. He recognises his own damnation and welcomes it to equal the scales. Othello cannot control what he does, he cannot control his emotions. Iago is seen for what he really is, a â€Å"cunning† man with overpowering greed and jealousy. He is hungry for power and this is what leads to him bringing chaos and destruction to the Venetian society. With Cassio in charge of the army, order is restored, the society can get on as if it had not happened. The realisation Othello has of his flaws give the audience a sense of catharsis, the audience feel that now he knows of his mistakes he cannot do more wrong. He feels bad for what he has done and understands that killing himself is the only way to restore order. It is arguable that the play does not give a sense of catharsis because it is never shown that Iago is tortured. The audience never sees him being properly punished for the problems he has caused. Also Iago never repent of what he has done, he never understands the pandemonium he has brought to the Venetian society. Overall Othello is flawed in many ways, he is jealous, insecure and full of pride, This leads to his demise and the demise of the other characters within the play.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Carl F. Henry

Carl F. H. Henry A 20th Century Theologian In the book, Carl F. H. Henry by Bob E. Patterson, Bob states that Henry is one of America’s outstanding Protestant evangelical theologians and scholars. Henry has authored almost forty books, one of his latest being The God of Ages and the gods of this Age. He has lectured and taught on campuses, including Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fuller Theological Seminary, and several institutions in America and countries on every continent. He was the founding editor of Christianity Today magazine, reaching out to thousands of evangelicals on a biweekly base. This exposure enabled Henry to tactfully shape his message and become the principal journalist, in which he defined and defended conservative Protestantism, for the evangelical movement in the late 1950’s. What is an evangelical? Richard Quebedeaux, America’s chronicler of Evangelicalism, defines an evangelical â€Å" as a person who attests to the truth of, and acts upon, three major principles (1) the full authority of Scriptures in matters of faith and practice; (2) the necessity of personal faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord (conversion); and (3) the urgency of seeking the conversion of sinful men and women to Christ (evangelism)† (p.14). Carl Henry defines an evangelical as â€Å" one who believes the evangel. The Good News is that the Holy Spirit gives spiritual life to all who repent and receive divine salvation proffered in the incarnate, crucified and risen Redeemer. The Christian message is what the inspired Scriptures teach- no more, no less- and an evangelical is a person whose life is governed by scriptural revelation of God and His purposes†(pp.14, 15). As the eldest of eight children, born on January 22, 1913, in New York City. Henry’s parents, Karl and Johanna, were German immigrants and showed little on how they stood on religion, even though his mother was Ro... Free Essays on Carl F. Henry Free Essays on Carl F. Henry Carl F. H. Henry A 20th Century Theologian In the book, Carl F. H. Henry by Bob E. Patterson, Bob states that Henry is one of America’s outstanding Protestant evangelical theologians and scholars. Henry has authored almost forty books, one of his latest being The God of Ages and the gods of this Age. He has lectured and taught on campuses, including Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fuller Theological Seminary, and several institutions in America and countries on every continent. He was the founding editor of Christianity Today magazine, reaching out to thousands of evangelicals on a biweekly base. This exposure enabled Henry to tactfully shape his message and become the principal journalist, in which he defined and defended conservative Protestantism, for the evangelical movement in the late 1950’s. What is an evangelical? Richard Quebedeaux, America’s chronicler of Evangelicalism, defines an evangelical â€Å" as a person who attests to the truth of, and acts upon, three major principles (1) the full authority of Scriptures in matters of faith and practice; (2) the necessity of personal faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord (conversion); and (3) the urgency of seeking the conversion of sinful men and women to Christ (evangelism)† (p.14). Carl Henry defines an evangelical as â€Å" one who believes the evangel. The Good News is that the Holy Spirit gives spiritual life to all who repent and receive divine salvation proffered in the incarnate, crucified and risen Redeemer. The Christian message is what the inspired Scriptures teach- no more, no less- and an evangelical is a person whose life is governed by scriptural revelation of God and His purposes†(pp.14, 15). As the eldest of eight children, born on January 22, 1913, in New York City. Henry’s parents, Karl and Johanna, were German immigrants and showed little on how they stood on religion, even though his mother was Ro...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Word Choice Fewer vs. Less - Proofread My Papers Academic Blog

Word Choice Fewer vs. Less - Proofread My Papers Academic Blog Word Choice: Fewer vs. Less Confusions between â€Å"fewer† and â€Å"less† can provoke fury among pedants: In the UK, one store even changed its signs after a campaign to enforce correct grammar! The difference between â€Å"fewer† and â€Å"less† is subtle, though, so it’s easy to mix them up in your written work (or on your shop signs) if youre not careful. Fewer (Countable Quantities) The word â€Å"fewer† means â€Å"a smaller number of people or things.† More specifically, â€Å"fewer† applies to things you can count or number, like stones or apples: There were seven apples in this bowl, now there are four; that’s three fewer than yesterday. We say â€Å"fewer† here because â€Å"apple† is a countable noun (i.e., apples can be counted out as individual apples). Less (Uncountable Quantities) The word â€Å"less† simply means â€Å"not so much† or â€Å"smaller in amount.† It differs from â€Å"fewer† by applying principally to uncountable nouns, usually substances or concepts that cannot be counted individually, such as water or pain: My shoulder still aches, but I’m in less pain than I was. The use of â€Å"less† indicates the pain has reduced. However, it doesn’t imply a severe pain is an accumulation of smaller pains in the same way that a bowl of apples contains several apples. Fewer or Less? A good tip for knowing when to use â€Å"fewer† or â€Å"less† is to consider whether the word modified is singular or plural, since singular terms take â€Å"less† and plural terms take â€Å"fewer.† This can be judged by whether the word would usually be followed by â€Å"is† or â€Å"are.† For instance, we say â€Å"water is wet† rather than â€Å"waters are wet† because water is a singular noun. Likewise, we say â€Å"apples are delicious† rather than â€Å"apples is delicious† because â€Å"apples† is plural. By working out whether were describing a singular or plural noun, we determine which of â€Å"fewer† or â€Å"less† to use: Singular/Countable Nouns = Fewer Plural/Uncountable Nouns = Less Time, Money and Distance One more thing to keep in mind is that quantities of time, money and distance usually take â€Å"less† rather than â€Å"fewer.† This is because we treat measurements as singular rather than plural. For example, although $100 could be counted out as one hundred individual dollars, we usually think of it as a single quantity of one hundred dollars. Hence we say â€Å"$100 is too much to pay,† not â€Å"$100 are too much to pay.† Likewise, when it comes to â€Å"fewer† and â€Å"less,† we usually say â€Å"I have less than $100,† not â€Å"I have fewer than $100.†

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The company of wolves by angela carter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The company of wolves by angela carter - Essay Example Their desperate reactions at the most unexpected time overpower them when not warranted in a particular situation. This goes to prove the fragile manner in which their heads and hearts react and the heavy load of atrocities inflicted on the black race stands integrated into the gene of the people of that race. For example, Dina’s erratic disposition during orientation games when she asserts that if she ever gets an opportunity to be an inanimate object, she would like to be a revolver and wipe out all mankind. That utterance fetches her ‘reward’ of a year’s worth of psychiatric counseling. In another instance, brownies are involved in hostility in a restroom between troops of black against white Girl Scouts over a supposed racial affront. Ironically, the black troop notices that the white girls were in fact, late learners, and the sarcasm is doubled when the black girls have no reservations at calling the white girls â€Å"retarded† while challenging over the term â€Å"nigger†. These incidents indicate the undercurrent of strong misunderstanding between the white and black race, and even the educated generation is unable to transcend this mental barrier of deep mistrust. The combustible younger generation of African Americans will cut loose from the mainstream discipline of the society and engulf the societal fabric like an avalanche causing enormous damage which may take time to heal and such incidents will remain as the permanent blots in the books on racial history of America. As such ZZ Packer (2004) is right in observing that â€Å"When you’ve been made to feel bad for so long, you jump at the chance to do it to others.†(p.27) But Dina’s problem is not related to only black versus white issue. Hers is a multi-dimensional diagnosis and she suffers more than one personality deficiencies and struggles with an identity crisis. She suffers from problems that are her own doings. She does not engage

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Phase of Student Age From Personal Experience Essay

The Phase of Student Age From Personal Experience - Essay Example The essay "The Phase of Student Age From Personal Experience" talks about the student age which often is referred as the golden age of a person’s life. This golden age, as we are provided with it, doesn’t hold all the goods in it. As a student, we are faced with all the different challenges of life like any other struggling person. Then why call it a golden age? It’s because of the experiences that we get to go through being a student. Studying in an institute getting to know people with mutual interests and goals in life and working under a superior who will help us guide to the aim of our life, this doesn’t happen in any other aspect of life where one gets to meet so many people who are trying to do the same thing. It is through these facets of the golden age that we get to learn so many things as a student. We are provided different challenges working as an individual and managing work in a group. The friendship that we have and how it is put to test when the same pals get to be rivals of each other. I learned that working as an individual has its advantages it also has some disadvantage. Nothing is perfect and doesn’t come with all pros. When I mention the pros for working as an individual I would foremost like to mention that when one is working alone, they have all the authority to themselves. They can make decisions and wouldn’t have to argue with anyone about following them. They are the leader and they are the follower. They set their own rules and then act upon them according to their desires.